Steve Schuetze – Metropolitan Contracting
“Urban Concrete does the vast majority of the concrete work that we do. They have always produced the quality we have got to have. They are always competitive. We can always count on Urban to deliver above and beyond the required specification on the job.”

Gary Joeris – Joeris General Contracting
“The biggest advantages of having Urban Concrete on the job is the amount of manpower they deliver to a project and the speed at which they can deliver a quality product. They are able to keep up with our very aggressive schedules. Urban has always delivered on their word. Even more, they have sat down with owners to work out cost saving approaches time and time again.”

Scott Shaheen – Hooker Contracting
“The company is really honest. We’ve had really good relationship with Urban Concrete. They do what they say. They’re on time. They’re always on budget. If they make a promise or you give them a schedule…they stick to it. They’ve always been able to man the job properly and equip the job properly. No matter how complicated the job was, they’ve always been able to deliver.”

Marty Garza – Zachry Construction
“I prefer to do business with people I know, people that I trust, people that I can call on, people that I believe that I can call friends. It’s still a business relationship but it’s one of trust. The values that Urban has are the same values I have. If I can have them on a job…I will. I prefer Urban over any one else.”

Duane Pozza – Bartlett Cocke
“What makes Urban Concrete special is performance. They have consistently performed where it counts…in the field. When my people in the field are happy…I’m happy. Urban’s approach to business is one of honesty and integrity. Combine that with the fact that they have the available resources to meet the needs of our clients and you have the recipe for the long-term success Urban is having in a highly competitive construction industry.”
Client List
Zachry Construction Corporation
Bartlett Cocke, Inc. General Contractors
Turner Construction
Browning Construction Company
Joeris, Inc. General Contractors
Metropolitan Contracting
Pulte Homes of Texas, L.P.
Raymond Construction Company
Rosenberger Construction, LP
Skanska USA Building, Inc.
Vratsinas Construction Company
A.L. Huber Contracting Company
Abrams Construction
Affirmed General Contractors
All Construction Werks, LLC
Alpha Limited Partnership
Amerit Construction Company
AMLR General Contracting, Inc.
Archon-Design Build
Ariel Texas Star, Inc.
Artistic Builders
Avenue Homes
Bakke Development
Balcones Systems Commercial
Banes General Contractors
Batchelder Construction, Inc.
Wade Construction
Benchmark Homes
Bigelow Development
Bill Reiffert & Associates, Inc.
Bilmar Construction, LP
Black Canyon Construction Company
Bob Moore Construction, Inc.
Boscamp Custom Homes, LLC
Bovis Lend Lease, Inc.
Brath, Inc. Bridle Bit Corporation
Bryan Construction, Inc.
C.F. Jordan Commercial L.P.
Cadence McShane Corporation
Caleb Custom Homes
Calidad Partners Construction, LTD.
Carlile Construction
Castlerock Development, Inc.
Catamont Consturctors, Inc.
CEDCON Builders, Inc.
Centex Construction Company, Inc.
Centres Construction Century Homes
CFAN Churchill & Kaye, L.P.
Independent Contractors, Inc.
HCB Contractors
Hearthside Homes
Heiser Development
Highland Homes
Holder Construction Company
Hooker Contracting
Huber Contracting, LTD.
Clark Contractors, Inc.
Clover Associates LLC.
Colts Construction, Inc.
Comanche Contractors, Inc.
Comfortable Homes
Compass Construction, Inc.
Constructors & Associates
Continental Homes
Craig General Contracting
Crane & Lester General Contractors
Crane Contracting Group
Crownhill Builders, Inc.
D.L. Bandy Constructors, Inc.
D.R. Horton, Inc.
Dale Sauer Custom Homes
Darren Casey
David & David Construction Co., Inc.
David Weekly Homes
Dickson Builders
Don Harris Enterprises
Doug Brown Construction
DPR Construction, Inc.
Drury Southwest, Inc.
DYAD Constructors, Inc.
E.S. Bussey & Associates, Inc.
Eagle Valley Homes
Eaton Commercial, LP
EBCO General Contractor, LP
Eckman & Mitchell Construction, LLC
EE Reed Construction, L.P.
Embree Construction Group
EMJ Corporation
Epstein Construction
Ewing Construction, Inc.
F.A. Nunnelly Company
Facility Construction Management, Inc.
Fairfield Development, Inc.
Faulkner Construction
Fetzer Companies
Fisher & Sons, Inc.
Flair Homes, Inc.
Franklin Development
G&G Construction
G.Laycock, Inc.
G.W. Mitchell & Sons, Inc.
Galaxy Builders, Inc.
Gary Barnes Company
GD Bar Family Limited Partnership
George L. Williams, Inc.
Gilbane Building Company
Goebel Corporation
Greco Construction
Greystar Development & Const., LP
Guido Brothers Construction Company
H.C. Beck, LTD.
H.E.Butt Construction
Hale-Mills Construction, LTD.
Harden Constructors, Inc.
Hartrich Construction, LLC
Harvey-Clearey Engineers & Builders
Hatcher Construction
HBE Corporation
Vertex Corporation
W.E. O’Neil Construction Company
Western Builders
Primetex Corporation
R.B. Green Construction, Inc.
R.H. Construction
R.J. Griffin & Company
R.L. Wade Construction
Ranier Company, LTD.
Real Homes
REM Builders
Richard Heller Homes, Inc.
Ridgeway Construction Management
Rizzo Construction, Inc.
Robins & Morton Group
Robinson Construction
Royal Seal Construction, Inc.
RSR Construction Company
Ryan Companies US, Inc.
Ryland Homes
Saddlehorn Custom Homes
Sandera Custom Homes
Satterfield & Pontikes Construction, Inc.
Schinker Builders
Schoolcraft Homes, Inc.
Scott & Reid G.C., Inc.
Sierra Construction
Signature Custom Homes
Sivage Homes
Smith Better Built
Smith Legacy Security
Solis Constructors, Inc.
Southtex Steel Construction, Inc.
Spectrum Homes
Speedway Erection
Spring Valley Construction Company
SRS Properties, LLC
Stone General Contractors
Sun Builders Company
Superior Building Systems
T&F Construction Company
T.P. Gilmore Company, Inc.
Tapatio Springs Builders, Inc.
TD Farrell Construction, Inc.
Teal Construction Company
Ted Barclay
Tee-Mac Construction
The Austin Company
The Koehler Company
The Ruskin Corporation
The Struthoff Company, Inc.
The Whiting -Turner Contracting Company
Thermal C/M Services, Inc.
Thigpen Construction
Thomas S. Byrne, LTD.
Town & Country Custom Homes
Trada Partners VI, LP
Tri Dal, LTD.
Tri-North Builders
Tri-State Services
Troy Jesse Construction
Tulsa Dynaspan, Inc.
Uptmore Custom Homes
Urban Constructors, Inc.
US Builders
V.W. Brooks, Inc.
Valemas, Inc.
Hughes Custom Homes
Huser Construction
Westfield Construcion, L.P.
KenCon, LTD.
Kimball Hill Homes
King Interior Building Contractor
Koontz McCombs Construction, Ltd.
Kopplow Construction Company, Inc.
Kyle Custom Homes
Lackey Builders, LP
Lee Lewis Construction, Inc.
Legacy General Contractors
Leonard Contracting, Inc.
LeSage Construction
LGI Homes
Livingston Construction
Lon Platt Custom Homes &
Remodeling Longlake, LLC.
Lyda Swinerton Builders, Inc.
M&M Contracting, LTD
M.A. Mortenson Company
M.D. Carpenter Company
Mahan General Contractors
Manhattan Construction Company
March Construction, Inc.
Marquee Builders, Inc.
Mauze Construction Corporation
Maverick Investment Property
Mayo Construction
McComb Construction Company, Inc.
McGrath Custom Homes
McMillin Homes, L.L.C.
McWhorter & Company, Inc.
Merit Custom Homes
Mesa Equipment Company
Metzger Construction Company
Middleman Construction Co., LLC
Miko Construction Company
Mission Custom Homes
MJC & Associates General Contractors
Morton Custom Homes
MST Corporate Constructors
Musgrave Properties
NAMCO Construction Services
NRP Contractors, LLC
Opus West Corporation
Peco Construction Company
Perry Homes
Pesado Construction
Phoenix Commercial Construction, Inc.
Westwood Contractors, Inc.
White Construction Company
White Stone Custom Homes
White-Spunner Construction, Inc.
Wilcut Construction, Inc.
William Olive Construction
Williams Company
Williams Industries, Inc.
Wilshire Homes
Wilson Development Corporation
Workman Corporation
Wunderlich Builders
W.G. Yates & Sons Construction Company
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